Women in Finance Charter
In 2019 we signed up to HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter. We’re proud to be one of over 250 firms that have voluntarily committed to work together to build a more equitable and fair industry in terms of gender balance. We’ve worked hard to ensure success in delivering, not just the Charter’s targets, but taking them further to embrace the spirit of them into our everyday actions across the Bank.
After exceeding our 2022 target of 25% of women in senior roles (Vice President and above) across our UK platform (SG London Branch, SG International Limited and SG Kleinwort Hambros) ahead of schedule, we set an ambitious new goal to achieve 35% by 2028.
In 2024, we are proud to have announced that we have reached 32% representation, keeping us firmly on track to achieve our 35% goal by 2028.
HM Treasury's Women in Finance Charter
HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter is a UK Government sponsored initiative which reflects the aspiration to see gender balance at all levels across the financial services sector.
The Charter commits companies to support the progression of women into senior roles in the financial services sector.
Our Commitment
The Charter is comprised of four pledges. Our targets mapped to each are:
To have a senior executive take responsibility and accountability for gender diversity and inclusion.
Our UK Executive Committee endorsed the signature of the Charter, with Thierry d'Argent, CEO, SG London Branch and Chief Country Officer, UK and Ireland, being the lead sponsor.
To set an internal target for gender diversity across senior management.
Our target is to increase the number of women in senior roles (Vice President and above) across our UK platform (SG London Branch, SG International Limited and Kleinwort Hambros) to reach a minimum of 35% by 2028.
To publish our progress annually against these targets on our website, linking directly to the HM Treasury website.
Since signing, we are now publishing our targets and reporting on our progress annually to support the transparency and accountability needed to drive change.
To link our senior executive team’s reward with delivery against our gender diversity targets.
Each UK Executive Committee member has a diversity and inclusion objective linked to how the Business Unit(s) or Service Unit(s) under their scope of accountability contribute to the overall UK result. Each year, their appraisals include a specific and measurable performance assessment linked to the creation and implementation of specific divisional annual diversity and inclusion plans.